Death time

Death time/ transition time/ last moments{अंतकाल/ मृत्यु समय/ आखरी समय }
 Thoughts are things; thoughts produce after their own kind. No  wonder then that most of the religions teach  us  to think  good  and Godly thoughts. Wrong evil thoughts are  to be  avoided.Let's take an example from the Bible:  “Whatsoever  things are true,whatsoever  things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report ;  if there be any virtue , and if there be any  praise,  think on these things.’’-- Philippines chapter 4 verse 8. Now something from the wisdom of Hindus:“What we think we tend to become’’ is the principle we get from Patanjali ‘s Yog Pradeep, Vibhutipad[ पतंजलि योग प्रदीप विभूति पाद] verses 23 and 24’’.When we meditate on friendship[मैत्री], we get friendship; while meditating on strength[बल] we develop strength.’’ The same  law is further elaborated in Bhagavatam[श्रीमद्भागवत जिसे भागवत अथवा भागवतम भी लिखा जाता है],   “the caterpillar[[लट या कीड़ा]  imprisoned  by a  wasp[भृंगी या  ततैया] in a nest,  thinks of the  wasp  in fear and hatred and thus becomes a wasp. himself.’’----Canto 7 chapter 1  vs. 27,and   canto  11 Chapter 9 vs. 22 and 23..The same principle Lord Vishnu teaches Jaya and Vijay after they have been cursed by Sankadik Kumars ‘’By thinking of me in anger you will develop concentratoin and will be free of sin.’’

Because of their nature to give fruits after there own kind, thoughts, at the time of death or time of leaving the body or transition time, become all important.Generally at the last time one can dwell on those thoughts  only which have been his dominant thoughts all through his life.At such a time, his thoughts maybe of  fear of death, pain from disease,anxiety  about what lies ahead, annhilition?  ,hell or  heaven ? or remorse that he did bad acts and could not repent.To turn a dying man’s thoughts  Godward, most  religions have made specific provisions.  Islam:  “ no one of you should die except thinking positively about Allah.’’---hadith muslim2877,Narrated by Jaabir The.Jews talk about Shema,verses of unity and psalms  91 , 130 and 121.  The Christians give last rites which consist of penance, annoiting and viaticum.The recommended psalms  are 70, 143 and 50.  The Jains insist upon reciting “Namokar Mantra’’. The Sikhs read Sukhmani[सुखमणि साहब] and chant. ‘Waheguru’.  The Parsee priests say a prayer of repentence for  sins---patet---,and give holy water “haoma’’ to drink. The Hindus, the more appropriate term is followers of Sanatan Dharmaसनातन धर्म, lay emphasis on remembering God at the last moment, for the belief is, “ Arjun, thinking of whatever entity one leaves this body that and that alone one becomes because he was absorbed in the thoughts of that entity--Gita[the word shrimadbhgvat gita is also used] chapter 8 verse 6.It is like taking a photograph. If at the moment of  clicking, someone is smiling the photograph will be a smiling face, even if such  person seldom smiles. So with the last thought at the time of death! An example from Bhagwat [भागवत ] . Sage Jad Bharath[जड़ भरत],though a pious and god- centred man, died thinking of the  calf of the deer to which he had become deeply attached, and had to become a deer in his  next lifetime.---canto5 ch8 vs.26 to 29[स्कंद 5 अध्याय 8 श्लोक 26 से 29] The very same law is further elucidated in Geeta, “ when a man dies during the preponderance of Satgun[सत गुण]one of the three modes of nature the other two being Rajo Gunaरजोगुण and Tamogun तमोगुण] he obtains the ethereal world's attained by men of noble deeds.Dying  when Rajogun is predominant, he is born among those attached to action;if a man dies in Tamogun he is born in species of  stupid creature such as beasts, insects etc ---Geeta chapter 14 vs 14,15 and18.
Lord Krishna[भगवान कृष्ण] keeping the law of mind in the correct perspective advises Arjun,“He who departs from the body, thinking of Me alone even at the time of death, attains My state; there is no doubt about it.’’ --  gita chapter  8 verse 5. This is a special provision made by God. It shows His grace and mercy towards us. Even if during his whole life a person has not thought about God, has not given his  life to God, has not meditated upon God or has done no remembrance of God’s name,he can--the good news is-- still attain God.Condition is simple, all one has to do is to remember God at the time of his death. This is easy to preach;It is not easy to be achieved.  A person who has not thought of God  during all his life cannot really think about God at the time of his last breath. How ever, under certain circumstances this is possible. Some of these situations  are  given below.:-
1.By the grace of God  he  may  remember God; this is also  possible  if a saint or a God- realised soul has compassion on him. 2.If somebody reads the holy scriptures for him ,example, Gita , Bible,Kuran etc. 3.By the vibrations of  holy places like Kashi, Mathura, Dwarika[काशी, मथुरा, द्वारिका] he may remember God .4.because of extreme fear he may remember God,calling for His help.5.If a saint heholds him, at the last moment of  his life,or beholds his dead body or be holds the ashes of his body .However, all the above conditions are  rare .They don't come about easily.These are exceptions .For this reason, Lord Krishna has advised,  “Therefore think of ME at all times, and fight the war. With your mind and intellect dedicated to ME ,You will surely come to ME.’’---- Gita chapter 8 verse 7.
= Since we do not know the time of our passing away ie, death, the only recourse open to us is to remember God at all times. We can do so by always hearing about God, by hearing about His deeds, by hearing about His philosophy; by speaking about the above things to others and always remembering Him ,that is, thinking of Him. When we think of HIM at all times we will become like HIM[ this is due to the law of mind action which we have mentioned in the beginning]. Doing this we can reach HIS abode, living with Him forever. If you are a Bible- reader, by now you must have analysed why Jesus said to one of the two criminals, who were crucified along with him,  “Assuredlly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.’’--- Luke Chapter 23 verse 43. This fortunate criminal was dying in His presence and was wise enough to believe in the divinity of Jesus. This doomed one said to Jesus,  “ Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom.’’---- Luke Chapter 23 vs 42. Is this not like chapter 8 verse 5 of Gita which we have discussed above?[जो  मनुष्य अंतकाल में मुझको ही स्मरण करता हुआ शरीर को त्याग कर जाता है, वह मेरे साक्षात स्वरुप को प्राप्त होता है-- इसमें कुछ भी संशय नहीं हैHe who leaves his body thinking of Me attains Me ] At his death- time this criminal was thinking of Jesus ,because of this he was promised to be with Jesus in heaven.Such rule is also found in Chandogya Upnishad---3/14/1and Brihadakaranya Upnishad---4/4/5,6.Purans also reiterate this vedic truth--- bhagvat:10/1/42,4/28/28 and 3/31/41
So the law is, “ Think of God all the time during your lifetime, and even more important ,think of Him  at your  death bed.’’ Doing so you will attain God and live forever; no more births and rebirths for you.

endअंत समय/ मृत्यु कालीन समय/ आखिरी क्षण.

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