Hell is Real Stay Out

Hell  is Real Stay Out  
 Hell finds mention in most religious texts, which are words of God . In one way or the other --Hindus,Christians, Muslims, Jains, Buddhists, Jews,Kabalahists,Egyptians  and Greeks-- all believed and still believe in a place where the Soul or Atma goes or is confined for punishment or purging forever or for a long time . Narak[नरक नर्क]  for Hindus finds mention in the scriptures  like भागवत[bhagvat] , गीता[gita]  देवी भागवत[devi bhagvat],, ऋग्वेद[rig ved]  शतपथ ब्राहमण[shatpath brahaman]  अथर्ववेद[atharv-ved].Some epics like Mahabharat and Ramayan also speak about it.. In the scriptures the geographical location is beneath that's, south of the universe, between Pataal and Garboduc गर्बोधक  ocean  There are 28 main hells , but actually there are hundreds and thousands of them  This residence of the evil- doers  is temporary,but   long ,that is,from  thousands of years to billions of years.  The punishment is by fire, boiling, , eating of one by beasts , starvation,  beating by demons.The master of hell is Yam who is son of Sun god .  Yam dispenses justice.   Evil doers are given a special body and in hell  they do not die of the tortures.  This body is calledYatna Shareer  in Sanskrit .. just have to bear pain for a  long long time,may be millions of years .   
= In Christian faith Hell is forever and forever, there is no end---- Revelations chapter 14 verse 10 and 11, Mark Chapter 9 verse 45,2Theo1:9. For Christians Hell is by fire and brimstone . The fire is of such a type that it is never quenched.The other name for hell  is Seoul.  People who do not repent and  ask for God's forgiveness are the ones for whom this place  is made.Hell was a place,originally prepared by God, to penalize the devil and the fallen angels.Now sinners also go to such a hell--- Matthew chapter 25 verses 42 to 46.According to Matthew Chapter 10 verse 28 both body and Soul can be destroyed in hell . The concept that Soul can be destroyed by God , is quite different from Hindu philosophy, especially as taught in Gita that avers Soul cannot be destroyed for it is eternal and has not been created one day by God. We may take a look at Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and 27. From a bare reading it is clear that God created man both body and Soul.What comes into existence on a particular day  can also be destroyed.God created Soul. He can also destroy  it . This is from the Bible. In this place there is boiling water, cold draughts, burning of skin, garments of fire, blood and suffering in the extremes. References are found in the Quran chapter 4 vs, 56 ,
chapter 22 vs 19 to 22 and  chapter 38 vs 55 to 58 . According to the Quran Hell is guarded by 19 people, the chief keeper is Malik-- chapter 74 verse 30 . After judgement  non believers are sent to hell. Enemies  of Islam are dispatched to hell without waiting for the judgement day. Punishment is in proportion with the sin.  Seven levels are reported to be in hell.  Suicide is punished in the way the person ended his life . Food is from rock. In Islamic belief hell is not for the devil but a place where sinners are punished .And the punishment in Hell keeps increasing, informs Quran in Chapter 72 vs 17.
=Judaism does not emphasize much life after death .On judgement day good will be rewarded and get everlasting life. Kabala explains Gehenna is a place where all Souls, not only wicked ones, wait .Souls are purified here and ascend to Olam Kabah.Gates of Teshuva are always open. One can do God's will and come out of hell at any time, such is the Jewish belief.
,For the Buddhists ,Hells are many but not permanent  places of abode for  sinners.The most horrible amongst them is Avici .As per Dev Dutt Sutra 130 suffering there is without  ceasing.Ksitigarbha  goes there to teach and relieve  beings of their suffering---Discourses of Majjhima Nikaya.
.=Hell for Jains is temporary not permanent,though the stay maybe for billions of years. It is situated at the lowest part of the universe .Souls come out of hell and are born again.
=References about Hell are found in    Yashna for Zoroastrians. It is more or less reformatory . This is not permanent. An old women leads the wicked to the bridge of Cinwat--- Yasna46:11 This Bridge is narrow and the souls fall down into an abyss. Darkness is tangible and can be cut with a knife, says Bundehisn.
= Egyptian belief was that after death, 42 judges judge a person. If  he confirmed to the precepts of goddess Maat he was welcomed to two fields, if not then he was thrown to the devourer and condemned to fire, first punished and then snuffed out completely for ever.
=  Greeks believe in Tartarus which is a gloomy place . It is like old Testament’’s  Seoul.
= Some weak, tenuous and refutable arguments against the existence of Hell:  1) How can a loving God create such a place? 2) What we cannot see , we do not believe,hell is just a figure of speech.
 Answers: Human beings are also loving fathers, mothers, sisters, daughter, sons etc.  but still jaiols and reformatories exist . Secondly those who love God are not sent to hell. Only the disobedient ones are sent to hell, as in our worldly jails. All of our senses are limited. ‘’What I cannot see I cannot believe,’’ is a self contradictory argument . I cannot see stars during the day and on a full moon night.But they exist.Seeing them or not seeing them by me is not essential to their existence.  Whether I can see or not see Hells they exist,nevertheless. The only proof is the word of God which is Bible, Bhagwat,Vedas, Quran and Holy scriptures of many other religions.Now we are convinced that Hell exists and is real. How to stay out of it?The three doors to Hell are desire anger and greed.Of these desire is the most powerful one, having insatiable appetite,… Geeta 3.37-43. We
have.discussed desire in detail in “ Kamna ,Yeh  pyas kbhi nahi bhoojegi.’’ Shut them to keep out  of
Hell. How? If you follow the scriptures, which is the word of God these doors will automatically close.  Some renowned ones of these are the Bible, the Quran ,the Veds and the Purans. When deciding what to do and what not to do, let these  be your guide as Bhagwan Krishn advised Arjun…. Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta 16.24.Following the golden rule “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you,’’you can never fall into sin. If you find it hard to obey God's word then take refuge in  God, leave all do's and don'ts and surrender yourself to Him and He promises to free you from all sins….Srimad Bhagavad Gita 18.66 . Lord Ram teaches the same principal to Hanuman in Adhyatma Ramayana (1.1.44): “those who leave the path of devotion( bhakti  )and fall into the pit of scriptures cannot find true knowledge( Tatvagyan) or salvation (Mukti) in 100 lifetimes’’ Like Lord Krishna and Lord Ram, Lord Jesus also says the same, “I am the way…. no one comes to the Father except through Me…..’’John 14.6. Know  that your God is Omnipresent Omniscient and Omnipotent.   “He is nearer than your jugular vein...Quran 50.16.   In him we live, move  and have our being…’’ Acts  17.2 8 Following his word should be easy.. With this we will put an end here. More details we have already discussed in “Lok Parlok’’ and “ Mukti ’’ written in Hindi language. Moreover every chapter of Bhagvat Satsandhan is replete with Bhakti that takes us to God”s abode, away from Hell. All these are on this same site.

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