The Sanskrit word Avatar (अवतार) means coming down. Descension of the Almighty from His divine abode on our earth that is material world mayic (माया का, संसार)  is Avatar. His abode is Omnipresent like Himself. Therefore God does not have to go anywhere in the sense of moving from one place to another as we do. He just appears avirbhav (अविर्भाव), is not born like you and I. We come into this earth through a mother's womb in bondage to our karma (कर्म). The Supreme One, however, is not in shackles or bonds of nature prakriti (प्रकृति). Rather prakriti is in his control. He entered Devki’s mind (देवकी का मन) as we  find in Brhmvavatapuran (ब्रह्मवैवर्तपुराण). And  Bhagvat  (भागवत)  maintains He went in her mind  through  Vasudev ‘s वासुदेवmind .----10 / 2 /16 -20.  Using  His own potency - Swaroop Shakti (स्वरूप शक्ति)- He descends. His body during Avatar-period  is not made up of the five elements (panchtatva पंचतत्व: आकाश, वायु, अग्नि, जल    धरती)  of nature.   On the other hand the body is divine, eternal (chinmay चिन्मय) and  unearthly ie, aloukik (अलौकिक). Such a body is free from disease, want, hunger and other evils that plague human body. His body appears to go through the stages of birth, infancy, childhood and teen age  (Ram and Krishna never go beyond adolescence).  God's body is not Body plus Soul. In such a body there are no gross (स्थूल),  subtle (सूक्ष्म) or causal (कारण) bodies (शरीर). Body of an Avatar is unique. His eyes can do the work of ears, nose, skin and tongue; and in the same way any other sense organ works like all the other sense organs. Lord  does not reveal His real Self to all---- only a devoted  few can see His actual form during Avatar period.   

That the supreme one comes down is clear from  Bhagvat, Geeta and Vedas eg.Rigved1/22/18 ,,,Atharvaved7/26/5, Yajurved31/19, samved1670,  Swetashtaver Upanishad 4/3, Geeta4/6-9, Shrimad Bhagvat  9/24/36 and DeviBhagvat 5.15.22,23. (Even from the Bible it appears that  Omnipotence comes to the earth and can become flesh such is the case of Jesus----- John1/10,14,Jesus says he existed before Abraham who was thousand and more years before Jesus.. John 8/58,He tells about His oneness with God ...John 10/30, through Him God has created the universe ...Hebrews 1/2, forgave sins that only God can do... Mark2/3 -12,.He rose after death ie.did not leave His body behind like avtars ...Mark 16/1-20,Act 1/3, God sent his son(part “svaansh’’ as upnishads say).. Romans 8/3,Galatians 4/4 ).From the above cited scriptures it is clear that when righteousness is on the decline and unrighteousness is on the rise, then to protect the virtuous, punish the evil ones and to establish dharma ie.good order  Lord comes into manifestation in every age yug (युग). Talking in a light-vein, Jagat gurutam Shree Kripaluji explains, “these reasons are not convincing; for all this His mere resolve is sufficient, He Himself is not needed”. Why he comes  to this earth is not known to anybody except Himself. Many reasons for His taking Avatar are put forward by experts. However, a very convincing answer is given  by  Kunti in Bhagwat. “You come to shower bhagvatananda ie.  bliss of God with form (भगवतानंद साकार का) on paramhansas (परमहंस) who are devotees of formless God. (We know that king Janak was so raptured by Ram-Laxman’s beauty that he forgot his brhamananda ( ब्रह्मानंद)   ie  bliss  of formless Omnipotence) and  to give solace to the suffering humanity. Thus  humans by Your remembrance (सुमिरन) hearing about You and Your  deeds ( श्रवण) and speaking of Your form (रूप)  and Your past times (कीर्तन) get bliss and soon get sight, that is, Darshan (दर्शन) of your Lotus Feet (चरण कमल )’’---1/8/ 20, 32-3.  The people who have a devotional set of mind are of the view that Lord is a Being  full of grace. His coming is a blessing for those who are His devotees. They can see Him, feel Him, hear His voice, can touch Him and can even participate in His divine activities -lila(लीला). The Lord gives an object of remembrance so the devotees can liberate themselves. Hence it is also said that avatar is to liberate devotees. Since He is infinite His purpose cannot be finite. Omnipotent can come into this world for any reason He thinks fit-- the reasons of  His coming  cannot be put down into words. It should be remembered that when He is on earth in a particular form, all are not able to know him, or recognise him as God. Only the fortunate few who treat him as and think of him as God are able to “see’’. From others He hides behind the veil of His is Maya. To them He looks like an ordinary human being and not omnipotent. In Kans’s akhara (अखाड़ा) where bow competition ,dhanush yagya(धनुष यज्ञ) was being performed people saw krishna in different forms according to their own feelings; to some He appeared as a young boy, to some others as a strong man and still  to others as their very death (काल, मृत्यु). This is because God has a rule which is revealed by Brahma in Bhagwat (ब्रह्मा ने भागवत में भगवान की स्तुति करते हुए बताया है). “You take that very form which Your devotees  think of You’’.---3/9/11  In  an Avatar God can  be male, female, animal, bird, human (मनुष्य), gandharv (गंधर्व), nag (नाग), dev( देवता) or anything  He wants to .This the Lord Himself reveals to Uttank (उतंक  मुनि) in Mahabharata when  returning to Dwarka after the war---maha bharat ashvamedh ----54/10-19,20. The very same  knowledge is given to us by Bhagwat12/7/14.

The fountain-head of all avatars is Krishna. In the very beginning, He appears as Purush avatar. First one (purush) is Karnodakshayi Vishnu (कारणोदकशायी विष्णु) from whose pores manifest uncountable universes. As Garbodhakshayi Vishnu (गर्भोदकशायी विष्णु), he enters every universe; from His navel emnates Brhama.Third one is Kshrodakshay Vishnu (क्षीरोदकशायी) Lord of all physical matter---living or nonliving.

When God Himself appears, such appearance is vimbavatar (विंब अवतार). This is of two types--the major one is shakshaat avatar (साक्षात अवतार), the minor one is aveshavatar (आवेश अवतार). Aveshavatar(आवेश अवतार) is also of two kinds. First one is  Shakti Avesh (शक्ति आवेश), second is roopavesh (रूपा वेश). In the first one it  is only power -Shakti(शक्ति) which is manifested in a person, while in the second one the divine body enters a living entity, the one in whose body God goes in becomes divine. When Lord comes on this earth in a body the maximum potencies, Kala(कला) are 16. This should not lead one to believe that the almighty has only 16 powers. No! He has infinite. On earth maximum potencies needed are 16. These have been named kala(कला) by the learned. When these kalas are in manifestations, it is called Kalavatar (कला अवतार). When the power is 1 upon 16th part  of the kala then we have Ansha avatar (अंश अवतार). One manifesting even lesser than this is Vibhuti avatar (विभूति अवतार). Not for a minute, get the erroneous idea that one avatar has less powers and the other more. This is just not  the divine  law. The divine cannot be broken into fractions. Where ever He is He is whole and in all His fullness. From this we can safely conclude that each avatar has infinite power, only those potencies which are necessary for the purpose of the avatar are revealed, the others remain dormant. By way of explanation: A is a PHD, very learned having a great deal of knowledge. When he is teaching a child alphabets, he is using only a little bit of his knowledge. This should not lead us to believe that he posses only that knowledge which he is using for the purpose of coaching the child. The same applies to Avatars. Only a portion of divine Majesty and Glory is manifested in accordance with the demand of the circumstances. Of twenty four Avatars mentioned in Bhagvat full Glory is shown forth by only two. Ram And Krishn bring to surface  all Glory, all Majesty and all the Power. For instance in Narsingh(नरसिंह) avatar, the only task was to bring an end to Hiranyakashyap(हिरण्यकश्यप). Dispensing wisdom (ज्ञानोपदेश) was not done by this particular avatar. Kapil Bhagwan imparted knowledge only, He did not kill demons. Likewise Mohini avatar brought  out only feminine beauty in order to distract the asurs(असुर), the war- like powers of Chamunda चामुण्डा  remained concealed...( TO BE CONTINUED )     

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